Pluralistic Spiritual Center

Creating opportunities for Jewish/Arab inter-religious/intercultural learning and dialogue, the Spiritual Center offers study, workshops and extended encounters for an inclusive exploration of religious texts, current Palestinian and Jewish literature and cinema, and the intersection of current life with religious histories. The community and general public are welcomed to the sharing of the ongoing cultural/religious celebrations.


History and Programs

The Doumia/Sakina (House of Silence), always open for reflection, meditation and silent prayer, remains is used by all ages, alone or in groups, day or night.  

The Spiritual Center, built twenty-five years after the founding of the village, grew out of Fr. Bruno Hussar’s and the emerging village’s commitment to “keeping alive hope and planting a lot of love in the dry land of our country”. Palestinian and Jewish contemporary book launches and film screenings fill with Jewish and Arab participants from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, learning and searching together. Spirited and sometimes heated dialogues often follow.

Inspired by the spiritual sources and heritage of Palestinians and Jews- Muslim, Christian and Jewish- Massa/Massar is a multiday young-adult program. Through visiting significant cultural and religious sites, speaking with local residents and gaining a deeper understanding of shared connections across cultures and religions, a culturally sensitive, spiritually aware representational youth leadership is developed. 

The Garden of the Righteous is a permanent outdoor tribute dedicated to those who have acted at great personal risk to save the lives of those seen as “the other”, recognizing individuals around the world whose extraordinary acts of selflessness preserved lives threatened by human-created atrocities. The Garden hosts an annual award and recognition ceremony.


Working from the individual out to the wider communities, from small to whole group listening, learning and dialoguing, the Spiritual Center makes it normal for Arabs and Jews to study, share food, share activities and deepen empathy all on one’s own timeline.